Shutter Box is the insulating Box for windows, with external inspection for Rolling Shutters, entirely designed and manufactured by RE.PACK with the latest technology to ensure energy efficiency and home comfort in buildings.
Shutter Box is the insulating Box for windows, with external inspection for Rolling Shutters, entirely designed and manufactured by RE.PACK with the latest technology to ensure energy efficiency and home comfort in buildings.
Shutter Box è il monoblocco termoisolante dotato di cassonetto ad ispezione esterna per finestre con avvolgibili o tapparelle, interamente progettato e realizzato da Re.Pack con le più moderne tecnologie, per facilitare la posa in opera dei serramenti ed assicurare l'efficienza energetica ed il comfort abitativo degli edifici.
Shutter Box thermal insulating box for rolling shutters with external inspection is the solution designed and realized by Re.Pack with the most modern technologies, to isolate the box, facilitating the installation of new windows and ensuring the energy efficiency and comfort of living buildings.
The use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) for the production of insulated shutter box for the installation of frames, ensures optimal performance, as it is a high density material, non-toxic, not subject to water absorption, with excellent thermal performance stable over time
Shutter Box thermal insulating box for rolling shutters with internal inspection is the solution designed and realized by Re.Pack with the most modern technologies, to isolate the box, facilitating the installation of new windows and ensuring the energy efficiency and comfort of living buildings.
The use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) for the production of insulated shutter box for the installation of frames, ensures optimal performance, as it is a high density material, non-toxic, not subject to water absorption, with excellent thermal performance stable over time.
Shutter Box for renovation is the thermal insulating box for rolling shutters: the solution is designed and realized by Re.Pack with the most modern technologies, to isolate the box, facilitating the installation of new windows and ensuring the energy efficiency and comfort of living buildings.
The use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) for the production of insulated shutter box for the installation of frames, ensures optimal performance, as it is a high density material, non-toxic, not subject to water absorption, with excellent thermal performance stable over time.